Friday, 30 October 2009

Google Music

Google have launched a new Music Search Feature. Google Music.
Google have said that the top two out of 10 searches are music related, which i can believe, how many of us search for new music, old music or even just to figure out what the lyrics are to a song we cannot get out of our heads.
Google claim, it can take a while to get to these results with the normal search page so have created Google Music, specifically for Music.

On first glance, it is nothing special, the page is in the same format we are all used to, there is nothing fancy. There is a list of all the Partners/Sponsers, EMI, Universal and Myspace etc and a search box.

But when you start to use it, the idea behind it becomes clear, it is faster and it shows you what you want, not everything that is vaguely connected to your search. But thats not it, it also gives you :

The opportunity to listen for free to some of the artists tracks - helped by Myspace.

It has a lyric search - for when you only know a few lines of a song or maybe just a chorus.

And it will give you links to other music you may like based on your original search.

Do we need a Google Music Search....... I am not sure if need is the word, but will i use it ?....yes... do i like it's features ? yes.

Friday, 16 October 2009

The Hyads Live - After show interview and Live track

After show interview and live track with Darlington band The Hyads.
BBC Introducing with Sean Mcginty was broadcast on the 15th Oct, on BBC Radio Lancashire.
BBC Presenter : Sean Mcginty
After show interviewer: Shelley Booth
Edited and Produced by Shelley Booth.

visit the band at

NB - During cross over to youtube-glitches have appeared in the audio- i cannot seem to fix this problem, the original file was clean.

Saturday, 10 October 2009

Electric Free Time Machine

An interview with Lancaster band, Electric Free Time Machine.
Interview was broadcast on the 8th of october on BBC Radio Lancashire on BBC Introducing with Sean Mcginty.
BBC Presenter : Sean Mcginty.